Sick Leave

Should I Work From Home Because of Coronavirus?

Should I Work From Home Because of Coronavirus?

Coronavirus has hit North America like a ton of bricks. Governments have announced measures to combat coronavirus like Canada’s COVID-19 Response Fund. Here is what employers and employees should consider when responding to coronavirus, including working from home, sick leave, and layoffs.

New Laws for Federal Employees

New Laws for Federal Employees

Federally regulated employees and employers will get new laws that govern the workplace. Even if you work in Ontario, these changes to overtime, vacation, and sick leave may apply to you

#BellLetsTalk, Human Rights, Mental Health, and Discrimination in the Workplace

#BellLetsTalk, Human Rights, Mental Health, and Discrimination in the Workplace

Today is Bell’s annual initiative, #BellLetsTalk, where Bell donates 5 cents for every text message, call, and tweet to raise mental health awareness and create a stigma-free Canada. As part of #BellLetsTalk, this blog describes how a workplace should deal with mental health